We asked Brett Steinberg: What’s your favorite project?

photos by John Young

Brett Steinberg, owner of King Contracting in NYC, has rapidly ascended the NYC masonry scene. He's approaching nine figures in annual sales within just three years of starting his business. And, he's 31 years old. 

When asked about his favorite project, Steinberg can’t name just one. But he can narrow it down to a Top 3 list, and it contains one that’s pretty special: Sendero Verde Tower A. With 34 stories, 709 units and 125,000 square feet of brick installed by King Contracting, Sendero Verde will be the world’s largest fully affordable Passive House when completed. But Steinberg didn’t think he had initially won the job.

Brett Steinberg founded King Contracting in 2020 and has grown it exponentially in just three years.

“Originally, we did not get awarded the project,” he says. “It came back to us about a year later, with a week to mobilize. We immediately prepared and had more than 100 tradesmen working here at our peak. We accelerated the project and beat the original schedule by nearly three months. We could not have done that without PROSOCO.”

Sendero Verde's Tower A used R-Guard products applied by King Contracting crews - photo by John Young

Winning the contract, quickly assembling a crew and finishing the job with lightning-fast efficiency is what Steinberg does best. Read his success story.

Behind the exterior brick façade of Sendero Verde Tower A, King Contracting crews applied PROSOCO’s R-Guard building envelope system, including Joint & Seam Filler, FastFlash, Spray Wrap MVP, and SS ThruWall.

What other projects are on Steinberg’s list of favorites?

“My first favorite project that I have done is Bronx Point. It’s nearly impossible to miss the forever mark that Bronx Point will leave in the Bronx! Yielding 542 permanently affordable housing units and the new home of the Universal Hip Hop Museum, King Contracting Group is truly honored to have installed the brick façade which encompasses nearly 150,000 square feet of brick assembly.”

“My second favorite project is 241 West 28th Street. This project has an absolutely magnificent brick façade at both the street and courtyard elevations of both towers on 28th Street and 28th Street. Bringing this COOKFOX Architects design to life and seeing the finished product is amazing. Taking on the task of installing 100,000-plus square feet of brick and 40,000 square feet of EIFS, on both towers, has been nothing short of exhilarating! It is a true showcase of King’s, and my, passion and pride for the work that we do.”


photo copyright King Contracting

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