Hard Surface Care Cleaning the Kauffman Center When the Kansas City Chiefs played on Sunday Night Football earlier this year, the TV broadcast featured a shot of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Kansas[…]
Anchor Systems Cost-effective seismic masonry retrofits can offset earthquake damage It’s often thought that retrofitting homes and buildings to better withstand seismic activity and damage[…]
Restoration Restoring a historic landmark in Steel City Pictures tell the story of a stunning restoration completed by Marsa Inc. Matt Scabilloni watched[…]
Hard Surface Care A half dozen ways to winterize that you probably haven’t thought of before When we hear "winterize," we might think of battening down the proverbial interior hatches and[…]
Hard Surface Care What salt really does to surfaces and how to fix it The harmful nature of salt Every winter, municipalities, homeowners and facility managers use salt[…]
Air & Water Barriers HVAC, COVID-19 and wildfires – indoor air quality in a tightly built structure It would have taken half of the turmoil in 2020 for builders, homeowners and health[…]
Air & Water Barriers Building science helps defeat coronavirus This article originally appeared in the October 2020 issue of Interface, the technical journal of[…]
Air & Water Barriers Multiple wins for multifamily Read Green Building & Design's profile on this project. World's largest Passive House opens[…]
Green building PROSOCO recognized as a US EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year PROSOCO is proud to announce that it has been recognized as a US Environmental Protection[…]
Hard Surface Care Everything you need to know about protecting concrete from salt damage with Saltguard Rock salt is usually sprayed on roads and driveways during winters to melt ice and[…]
Hard Surface Care Updated uses for historic spaces Two restorations in Bridgeport, Conn., benefitted from a new dustproofer for interior brick without leaving[…]