Hard Surface Care Cleaning the Kauffman Center When the Kansas City Chiefs played on Sunday Night Football earlier this year, the TV broadcast featured a shot of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Kansas[…]
Tech Note Tech Note: Galvanic Corrosion in Mechanical Anchors In existing masonry construction, the connection between masonry veneers and the back-up materials can be[…]
Restoration Incredible Makeovers For Decaying Buildings There are countless reasons why a building goes into disrepair. Sometimes the construction is faulty, sometimes[…]
Restoration Grand Central Terminal: An Icon Restored Today, hundreds of thousands of tourists and commuters visit Grand Central Terminal daily. Kids cheer in[…]
Concrete Flooring By chance & by design If the high school version of Nick Dancer could get a look at the 34-year-old[…]
Hard Surface Care Rep profile: Matthew Stickler on why “cleaning” is a subjective task "What is the most important thing you learned on your first project?" Matthew Stickler:[…]
Hard Surface Care Top 7 things we wish contractors knew about graffiti removal (and why it doesn’t have to be so hard) Jake Boyer, head of PROSOCO's Clean & Protect Group, has seen all kinds of graffiti[…]
Concrete Flooring All the proof you need: Warehouses are the place to be Upward trends in online commerce show no sign of receding in 2021. It's safe to[…]
Anchor Systems Jeff Scarpelli joins PROSOCO to provide specialized product engineering support Jeff Scarpelli has joined PROSOCO as the Products Engineer for the company’s anchoring systems and[…]
We Built It Together Meet the Mathson Family Why this family considers construction “one of the greatest” industries to go into. For[…]
Concrete Flooring A Living Building “first” in Santa Monica Smart strategies for material reductions led the project team of the City Hall East building[…]