Hard Surface Care Cleaning the Kauffman Center When the Kansas City Chiefs played on Sunday Night Football earlier this year, the TV broadcast featured a shot of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Kansas[…]
Anchor Systems How to install a helical Stitch-Tie (and what setting tool you’ll need) The use of Stitch-Ties in existing buildings for retrofit applications is an economical and easy[…]
Anchor Systems Saved from the brink of destruction Uncared for and unoccupied for 18 years, Cook County Hospital in Chicago was ready for[…]
Projects Carnegie Library reimagined for a new use In 2019, the Carnegie Library re-opened to the public with a re-imagined design and purpose[…]
Hard Surface Care Painting masonry – how to do it the right way Painting brick or other masonry can be a great thing - it can help a[…]
Air & Water Barriers Meet the Passive House criteria for energy efficiency By Jake Bruton, Aarow Building When builders consider energy efficiency, one standard is at the[…]
We Built It Together Under the radar, above the curve By flying under the radar, Jayson Barnhart and Tommy Yetts have propelled their business to[…]
Restoration What is adaptive reuse? Adaptive reuse is a term that refers to the process of taking an existing structure[…]
Hard Surface Care Every masonry substrate has unique chemistry Shouldn't your cleaner match? At PROSOCO, we make a wide variety of acidic masonry cleaners[…]
Hard Surface Care Protecting the new star of SoCal It's on display for millions of Americans every Sunday for six months a year, plus[…]
Tech Note Measurement of Water Absorption Under Low Pressure RILEM Test Method – Test No. 11.4 Commission 25-PEM is a technical committee within RILEM (Reunion Internationale des Laboratoires D'essais et de[…]