R-Guard Installation Detail
Rough Opening Renovation with R-Guard & Building Wrap
metal studs with gypsum sheathing/OSB sheathing/plywood
Remove the existing window, flashing and water-resistive barrier to expose the rough opening. Repair the rough opening as required.
Consolidate and seal any new, cut gypsum board edges within the rough opening by brushing on a thin uniform coat of PorousPrep.
Wet-set a properly sized and adhesion-compatible transition sheet, such as Moiststop PF, into the wet FastFlash. Apply additional FastFlash to the leading edge of the transition sheet.
After preparing the rough opening pursuant to 4.1 or 4.2, use a dry joint knife, trowel or chipper brush to spread the FastFlash to create a seamless flashing membrane. To protect the rough opening, make sure the membrane extends 9 inches - or as necessary to reach no less than 4 inches beneath any existing building wrap - over the face of the structural wall on the head and jambs.
Spread the wet product to embed that edge of the transition sheet and down over the transition sheet 2” to create a seamless flashing transition.
Shingle the transition sheet to create no less than a 6-inch lap over the existing building wrap.
Ted Barnekoff
Product Support - Air & Water Barriers
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