CALGreen is California’s first green building code and first in the nation state-mandated green building code. It is formally known as the California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24, Part 11, of the California Code of Regulations.
The purpose of CALGreen is to improve public health, safety, and general welfare through enhanced design and construction of buildings using concepts which reduce negative impacts and promote those principles which have a positive environmental impact and encourage sustainable construction practices.
CALGreen was adopted to address the five divisions of building construction:
PROSOCO has reviewed product conformance to with CALGreen mandates for all new construction and retrofits in the state of California.
The CalGreen Residential and Nonresidential codes call for use of SCAQMD Rule 1168 compliant sealants and CARB 2007 SCM compliant coatings and interior finishes. Some CARB compliant coatings may not be available in the SCAQMD.
Green Building