Memorial Day is a time for families and friends to honor and remember loved ones who have passed. However, many headstones, memorials, and grave markers can become discolored and unsightly due to algae, lichen, moss, mold, or mildew growth and stains.
Enviro Klean® ReVive is a highly efficient alternative to aggressive cleaners traditionally used on interior and exterior masonry, stone, and tile surfaces. It removes mold and mildew staining and atmospheric staining that disfigures and degrades many types of construction materials. Simply dilute with clean water as directed, and apply ReVive to the surface. A short contact time, gentle scrubbing, and a water rinse are normally enough to remove light-to-moderate soiling and staining typically encountered on building surfaces and monuments. Enviro Klean® ReVive can also be applied safely to non-masonry substrates such as wood, painted surfaces, metal, plastic, and glass. Additionally, it is biodegradable and safe for landscape plantings and grass, making it an ideal choice for those looking for an eco-friendly solution.
The product is applied by simply spraying the surface with Revive, making sure all headstone surfaces are fully saturated with the product. Revive cleans the headstones and monuments over time with the wind and the rain. If you’re cleaning multiple headstones or a headstone with very heavy growth, we recommend using Revive in a garden pump sprayer for quicker application.

It's essential to remember that lichen is one of the more challenging growths to clean from memorial stones. If you're dealing with lichen, saturate the surface with Revive and wait 15 minutes before spraying the surface again. The second spray will work the product into the second layer of the lichen, and the dead lichen will begin to clear within a few months.
When using a product on a gravestone, some preservationists recommend rinsing it after applying. If you want to rinse off the surface, we recommend doing so four hours after the application.

Enviro Klean® ReVive is an excellent choice for those looking to restore headstones, memorials, and grave markers to their original brightness and easy-to-read finish. Enviro Klean® ReVive is a highly efficient and eco-friendly alternative to aggressive cleaners and can be applied any time of year. It's important to handle it with care and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.