The PROSOCO R- Guard air barrier system is based on STP technology. STP stands for Silyl Terminated Polymer and it’s a chemistry that PROSOCO first introduced into the air barrier market back in 2006.
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Apply FastFlash to all rough openings, transitions, penetrations
FastFlash is used to flash and transition two different materials. FastFlash protects:
- rough openings
- penetrations
- transitions
- any angle changes
- surface irregularities or odd shaped surfaces
- screw heads and nail heads
- board seams
All of your detail work where you need to prep your wall first, that's where you use FastFlash. We like to say, “when in doubt: use Fast Flash.”
Apply Cat 5 to the wall field

Cat 5 overlaps the FastFlash. A general rule of thumb for Cat 5 is to overlap the FastFlash one inch.
Cat 5 is the field coating that protects the entire wall field. It is a permeable air barrier. So moisture from inside the building can dry to the outside but it also prevents any actual water molecules from entering your building. That is a very important feature for an air barrier to have. You want to make sure that the water doesn't get trapped inside of your wall. Trapped moisture is what causes problems on the interior of a building.

Cat 5 should be installed at about 12 to 15 mil thickness. Same as FastFlash. It also has the same moisture cure qualities as the FastFlash. The Cat 5 is colored adobe brown so you know what sequence level you are on the project.
If there are any surface deficiencies on the substrate, you can usually see them best,after you apply the air barrier. Deficiencies such as pin holes or any screw heads that you might have forgotten to hit can be seen after you apply the air barrier. The great benefit of the R-Guard system is the product chemistries all work together. It's not a problem to put FastFlash over Cat 5, so when you see these deficiencies, you can just hit it with a with a bit of a FastFlash using your Bondo knife or any kind of tool you have on hand. This is also the rule of thumb if there's any damage the job-site. For example, if one of the trades forgot to punch a hole, or a plumber has to drill a hole through your wall and you have already applied your air barrier, it's not a problem. You can just keep a case of FastFlash sausages on the job site and anybody from the GC or the air barrier contractor can come back and fix any issues that were presented after the job is already done.
Install windows

Install AirDam as an interior air seal
Then once the window is installed, we need to have some protection on the interior side of the window. This is done with a product called AirDam. AirDam is also an STP based product. When you install an STP over ST, those to products cure they becomes one monolithic membrane, so there's no transition between the two products.

AirDam on the interior side of the window adheres to your window material (in this case, this is a vinyl window) and then adheres to the fast Flash creating a back stop. It is an additional level of security with this interior side application.
The R-Guard system is unique in the fact that all the products are moisture cured, and they can bond to most surfaces. The R-Guard system all can bond to damp surfaces which can prevent delays on construction project. Another great benefit of the R-Guard products is that it can be installed in cold weather. Here’s a tip: just carry around a spray bottle of warm water and have the mist on setting on the lightest setting after you apply an R-Guard product, just hit the product with water. It'll help it cure quicker and the warm water will bring the temperature up so that it can cure faster and better.