When it comes to testing air and water barriers for building envelopes, we think the industry can do better.
That doesn't mean we aren't proud of the testing protocols our R-Guard products have attained from organizations like AAMA and ASTM.
Those are the standards you can expect out of products such as fluid-applied flashing materials and fluid-applied air barriers.
The question is what should you expect out of these products, or any building material, for that matter.
Our answer is: More. You should expect more and you are entitled to more.
For example, ASTM E331 tests a wall assembly to 137 pascals of pressure. That equals about a 33-mph wind. Think that's the most extreme wind conditions buildings are subjected to? In some regions, maybe. But not likely. Whether a building is in the U.S. Midwest or hurricane alley, its walls need to stand up to winds far greater than that.
This is why PROSOCO employs a testing methodology that goes far beyond industry standards. Called our rosetta chambers, these test chambers can test at wind pressures higher than 200 mph.
What we get out of it
The results of the myriad of tests we can perform via the rosetta chamber can be found in the quality of our R-Guard air and water barriers and the distinctive features they offer.

Makes even complex details a cinch. FastFlash can literally be painted into tight corners.

Bonds to damp surfaces
Water doesn't stop FastFlash from adhering tenaciously to substrates.

Installs faster
Built for speed, efficiency, and repeatability.

Will not shrink
Fast Flash is 98% solids, so it doesn't shrink over time.

Seamless system
The R-Guard system creates a seamless layer of protection over your entire building envelope.
That includes our "contractor's wish list" of 13 product features originally required out of R-Guard's silyl-terminated polyether (STPE) fluid-applied products.