Behind the Scenes at PROSOCO
How Do You Pronounce PROSOCO
Process Solvent Company, PROSOCO
The PROSOCO difference
There's not many things we do conventionally at PROSOCO. But, why? In essence, because there's always better ways out there. There's better processes, better technologies, better chemistries, better systems, and as long as there's a better way out there, we strive to find it. We've never taken the easy road and that's how we like it. Hear from our staff members on why we're OK with being different.
Find out more:
Careers: https://prosoco.com/company/careers
About Us: https://prosoco.com/company/about-us/
Stories: https://prosoco.com/stories/
Meet the Team: https://prosoco.com/company/our-people/
WHO WE ARE: PROSOCO is a national manufacturer of products for stabilizing masonry walls; cleaning, protecting and maintaining concrete; making building envelopes air- and water-tight; and cleaning, protecting and restoring new and existing masonry buildings. We strive to provide innovative products and services that improve the appearance and performance of our built environment. Since our founding in 1939, we’ve fostered a reputation across the nation and internationally as a company that goes above and beyond for our customers in every way possible.
prosoco.com | 800 255 4255
You. Us. The project.
How Prosoco Makes Its Products
Behind the Scenes at PROSOCO
Here's what keeps us going every day
We are especially thankful to work in an industry made up of resilient, innovative and tireless people like you. Together, we believe we will all come out stronger, and we remain hopeful and prepared for what's ahead.
#TeamPROSOCO #YouUsTheProject #WeBuiltItTogether #makeitlast EXW25ZHG1AZBJJ5T
The Chemistry Behind Masonry Cleaners
When it comes to the chemistry of masonry cleaners, you need to beyond the product marketing. Jake, Chris, and Dan set up a demonstration with two acidic masonry cleaners. Both cleaners in the demonstration are acidic. One is a traditional new masonry cleaner, and the other is marketed as a “detergent,” “synthetic acid” or even a “non-acid acidic cleaner.” See what happens when a small drop of each product is applied to the substrates of concrete block, limestone, and sandstone.
Extreme Testing of Building Materials
At our testing facility, we often subject building materials to pressures well beyond industry-standard testing. In this test, we subjected a wall assembly to over 200 mph of wind pressure.
More info on PROSOCO https://prosoco.com/
More info on PROSOCO's R-Guard air and water barrier system https://prosoco.com/products/air-water-barriers/
Behind the Scenes at PROSOCO