Though his current title is Engineer and Specification Coordinator for Texas-based HolmesCo Inc., Jeff Holmes brings a different perspective than his counterparts with a more traditional construction background. Holmes is the owner of a bachelor's degree in computer science (Texas A&M University), a master's degree in software engineering (Texas Christian University), and the title of Professional Engineer. We caught up with Jeff to ask him about his 30+ years in the industry.
When did you first realize that you wanted to go into this industry?
Jeff: I have always enjoyed building things and seeing the results of a well-constructed job. The opportunity to work as a sales rep has provided an ideal situation for being involved with all phases of the construction process.
Does construction run in your family?
Jeff: Yes, the HolmesCo Inc. team is comprised of five members of the Holmes family. It’s nice to work with a great team, especially when it’s your family.
What would you do differently if you could go back and do it all again?
Jeff: Nothing really. I have been blessed with a great wife, wonderful children and great work opportunities
What's your all-time favorite project you’ve worked on?
Jeff: The Oklahoma State Capital project is one of my favorites just because of the many different restoration challenges it offered.
What about your favorite building?
Jeff: This is a really hard choice to make because I enjoy so many varieties of construction. On a trip to Cuba, I saw the Casa de Gobierno y Palacio Municipal which really impressed me. It was built in 1776 and the ornate carvings were immaculate.
What skill do you have now that you never expected to have?
Jeff: Building envelope construction knowledge. When I started, it was all about stain removal and now we are called on more and more for building envelope assistance.
What is your biggest frustration about working in construction?
Jeff: Time constraints are always frustrating. It seems everything is due yesterday.
What's your favorite object found on a job site?
Jeff: PROSOCO Orange Barrels!
Do you have a pet? What is it?
Jeff: We have chickens!
What's your favorite thing to eat for lunch while on the road?
Jeff: Cane’s chicken strips and sweet tea! (Don’t tell our chickens.)